Ik Oankaar

It is the Sikhs’ sacred symbol, and it represents the Universal God. It symbolizes the core religious principle of the Sikhs, that there is only one Supreme Reality or Power.


The double-edged sword in the middle represents faith in one God; the Chakkar (circle) represents that God is eternal and has no beginning or end; and the two swords on both sides represent that spiritual and political powers are intertwined and that one must be prepared to fight for what is true as well as … Read more


This six-branched, seven-lamp candle-stand represents universal enlightenment and is symbolic of the Jewish faith. The central lamp symbolizes God’s light, while the other lamps represent various facets of human understanding. The Menorah is also regarded as a seven-day creation emblem.

Star of David

The Star of David, named after King David, is a symbol of the Jewish faith. The six-pointed emblem, known in Hebrew as Magen David or Shield of David, is claimed to be originated from the shape of the star on King David’s shield.

Christian Cross

The cross is a Christian symbol that commemorates Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. It represents Jesus’ victory over death and serves as a reminder to Christians of God’s love for humanity, for which he gave his own son as a sacrifice.