Monkey Symbol

Monkeys have captivating personalities and are clever and bright. Mischievousness, curiosity, and ingenuity are all personality traits that make them exceedingly naughty. Because monkeys prefer to play most of the time, they are masters of practical jokes.

Goat Symbol

The key Capricorn characteristics are ambition, structure, goals, and achievement. The Capricorn symbol of a mountain goat’s hoof and a fish’s tail so represents the grandeur and ambition of this overachieving zodiac sign.

Horse Symbol

The horse is the Chinese zodiac’s sixth animal. In Chinese tradition, the horse represents power, beauty, and freedom. Horses are high-spirited, lively, and energetic people who were born in the year of the horse. People like them because of their passion and upbeat demeanor.

Snake Symbol

Serpents and snakes have long been associated with fertility or a creative life force. Snakes are symbols of rebirth, metamorphosis, longevity, and healing because they shed their skin through sloughing. The ouroboros is a symbol of eternity and life’s never-ending regeneration.

Dragon Symbol

The dragon is associated with good fortune, strength, and health in Chinese culture, as well as the male element Yang. The dragon is unlike any other animal in the Chinese zodiac since it is the only legendary creature among all the animals, and more infants are born in the year of the dragon than any … Read more

Rabbit Symbol

The rabbit is the Chinese zodiac’s fourth animal. The rabbit is considered the luckiest of all the twelve animals in Chinese tradition. It is a sign of mercy, grace, and beauty. Rabbits are quiet and serene people who were born in the year of the rabbit.