The knot of Hercules

The Knot of Hercules, also known as Heracles Knot, Love Knot, and Marriage Knot, is a well-known Roman and Greek protective charm. This sturdy knot, formed of two entwined strands, was an important component of a Roman bride’s wedding gown. The Knot of Hercules became symbolic of a happy and productive marriage since Hercules was … Read more


This is an old Italian amulet that is usually worn around the neck or hung over a baby’s cot. It is said to provide protection against the evil eye. It relates to one of the most revered Italian flora and means’sprig of rue.’ The charm is shaped like a rue sprig with three main branches … Read more

The bowl of Hygeia 

The “Bowl of Hygeia” sign is the most well-known international pharmacy symbol. Hygeia was the daughter and assistant of Aesculapius (also written Asklepios), the God of Medicine and Healing, according to Greek mythology. A bowl containing a therapeutic potion with the serpent of Wisdom (or guardianship) participating in it was Hygeia’s traditional symbol. This is … Read more

The labyrinth 

The labyrinth is a maze. The Labyrinth (Greek labyrinthos) was an ornate building designed and erected for King Minos of Crete at Knossos by the legendary artificer Daedalus. Its purpose was to house the Minotaur, a half-man, half-bull beast that was eventually killed by the Athenian hero Theseus. Daedalus had constructed the Labyrinth with such … Read more

The Gorgon

Gorgon, transl. Gorgo or gorgon, “awful” or, according to some, “loud-roaring,” was a violent female monster with sharp teeth who was a protective deity from early religious notions in Greek mythology. Her power was so great that anyone who tried to look at her would be turned to stone; as a result, representations of her … Read more

The Omphalos

An omphalos, also known as a Baetylus, is an ancient sacred stone artifact. The word omphalos means “navel” in Greek (compare the name of Queen Omphale). According to Greek mythology, Zeus dispatched two eagles to fly across the globe and meet at the “navel” of the globe. Omphalos stones were placed in numerous locations across … Read more


A plurale tantum, derived from the Latin word Fasces, denotes summary power and jurisdiction, as well as “unity in might.”The classic Roman fasces were made up of a cylinder made out of a bundle of white birch rods strung together with a crimson leather ribbon, and often containing a bronze ax (or two) amid the … Read more

The Solar Cross or Sun Cross

The Solar Cross, also known as the Sun Cross, is a cross with a circle around it; there are numerous varieties of the solar cross, including the one shown on this page. Carvings of it were discovered in 1980 on the bottoms of Bronze-age burial urns at Southworth Hall Barrow, Croft, Cheshire, England, and the … Read more

The Asclepius wand or Asclepius rod

The Asclepius wand, also known as the Asclepius rod, is an ancient Greek symbol linked with astrology and medical therapy. By uniting the serpent, which is shedding its skin, a symbol of rebirth and fertility, with the staff, a symbol of authority befitting the god of Medicine, the rod of Asclepius symbolizes the healing arts. … Read more

The Mano Fico 

The mano fico, also known as Figa, is an ancient Italian amulet. It was also employed by the Etruscans, and examples have been unearthed dating back to the Roman era. Mano means “hand,” and fico or Figa means “fig,” referring to a woman’s genitals in idiomatic slang. (The colloquial equivalent in English might as well … Read more