Masonic Star

The Masonic Star, often referred to as the Eastern Star within the context of Freemasonry, is a symbol rich in meaning and tradition. Its origins and use within Masonic rites illuminate the depth of symbolic language that Freemasonry employs to communicate its teachings and values. This emblem, while not as universally recognized as the square … Read more


The Keystone is one of Masonic teaching’s most beautiful emblems as a sign of completion. The Keystone is the final stone that must be placed to complete the arch’s construction. This unusually formed stone is a feat of engineering that is vital to the arch’s stability. The Keystone sign is not seen in Lodge symbolism, … Read more

Masonic Shoe

The Masonic shoe, commonly known as the Blue Slipper, is a physical confirmation of a spoken act. In ancient times, verifying a contract meant loosening one’s shoe and giving it to another person.

Masonic Sheaf of Corn

In King Solomon’s day, the Masonic Sheaf of Corn signified a portion of the money produced and reaped from the Master Masons’ labors. The Masonic sheaf of corn is still utilized today as a symbol of a bygone era, especially during the dedication, constitution, and consecration of new lodges, as well as the laying of … Read more

Masonic Eye 

The Masonic Eye is a representation of God’s Eye. It is a representation of his divine presence and ever-present caring for the universe. God does not have a beginning or an end since he is and always has been. Each of us is watched over by the Masonic Eye of God.

The Letter G 

Gheemel (or Gimel) has a numerical value of 3 in Hebrew, the language in which our Bible was first written. When we talk about God, we see references to the number 3 throughout history. Gimel is the third letter of various Semitic languages, including Phoenician, Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew, and Syriac, regardless of the language we … Read more

Masonic Lamb

The lamb is a symbol of purity and innocence.The Lamb is the symbol of innocence in Ancient Craft Masonry. “The Lamb has been recognized an icon of innocence in all eras,” the First Degree guidelines state. As a result, a Freemason’s Apron is required to be constructed of lambskin. The lamb is a symbol of … Read more

Masonic Cable Tow

“If it is within the length of his tow rope, the Masonic Cable Tow is part of a candidate’s attire in which he agrees to go to the help of a Brother with all his power and strength.” The length of rope represents the powers of the first brother.

Masonic Altar

The Masonic altar, which houses the Holy Books and is located within the Masonic Lodge, is a symbol of our place of communication with God. The masonic altar, on the other hand, was once a place of sacrifice, atonement, and contact with God.

Ark of the Covenant

God’s Promise to David is revealed in the Ark of the Covenant… and it is through this promise that we continue to receive God’s mercy for our sins today. The Ark of the Covenant is significant to Masons for this reason. Masons believe that Solomon’s temple was erected because of the Ark of the Covenant.