
The Dreidel is a well-known Jewish symbol linked with the Hanukkah celebration. The name is derived from the German word ‘Dreden,’ which means ‘to turn.’ Its Hebrew name is ‘Sevivon,’ which comes from the word’savov,’ which also means ‘to turn.’
The Dreidel is a four-sided spinning top that is a Jewish variation of the European ‘totum’ or ‘teetotum,’ a gambling device. It is typically used by youngsters during Hanukkah to play for gelt, which might include cash, chocolate coins, candies, nuts, and other items. Each side of the Dreidel is etched with four Hebrew letters. Nun, Gimel, Hei, and Shin are the terms that control the flow of the gambling game. Nun stands for ‘nothing,’ Gimel for ‘all,’ Hei for ‘half,’ and Shin for ‘put in.’ The four letters are thought to represent an acronym for ‘nes Ggadol haya sham,’ which means ‘a great miracle happened there,’ indicating the significance of the Hanukkah festival.

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